Saturday, August 22, 2009

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With fever as was Charmian who in addition was in the slough of a tropical neurasthenia that required several years of temperate climates to cure and that neither she nor Nakata drank or ever had drunk. When I returned to Hobart Town where drink was obtainable I drank as of old. The same when I arrived back in Australia. On the contrary when I sailed from Australia on a tramp steamer commanded by an abstemious captain I took no drink along and had no drink for the forty-three days' passage. Arrived in Ecuador squarely under the equatorial sun where the humans were dying of yellow fever smallpox and the plague I promptly drank again-- every drink of every sort that had a kick in it. I caught none of these diseases. Neither did Charmian nor Nakata who did not drink. Enamoured of the tropics despite the damage done me I stopped in various places and was a long while getting back to the splendid.
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